Holy Trinity, Melrose

About the church
Holy Trinity is built along the pilgrim way, the ancient route of pilgrimage to Melrose Abbey. The history of Christianity is very present in Melrose, and we rejoice in the inheritance of saints such as Cuthbert and Boisil. Our worship is largely traditional, but varied. Our congregation is welcoming and open, and we have wonderful musicians who enhance our worship.
All church services are livestreamed on YouTube.
11.00am: Sung Eucharist (traditional language on the 1st Sunday of the month, Choral service thereafter)
6.30pm (first Sunday of the month): Choral Evensong
2nd Sunday of the month: Messy church (joint with the Parish Church)
Monday to Thursday at 8.30am and 5.30pm: Morning and Evening Prayer
Wednesday, 11.00am (in the church hall): Holy Communion
2nd Tuesday of the month: Ecumenical service at St John’s Care home
Essential information
Address: 20 High Cross Avenue, Melrose, TD6 9SU
Telephone: 01896 822626
Email: admin@holytrinitymelrose.co.uk
Wheelchair access and induction loop system