Livingston United Parish Church

About the church

The Ecumenical Parish was established in 1966 during the early days of the development of the new town of Livingston. The parish is sponsored by four parent denominations: The Church of Scotland, The Scottish Episcopal Church, The Methodist Church and The United Reformed Church.

Livingstone United Parish Church has provided a unique opportunity for members of these denominational backgrounds and others, to share in worship and parish outreach and development over the past 45 years.


Nether Dechmont Community Centre, Carmondean
8.45am: Episcopal Eucharist in the South Barn
9.30am: All Age Service in the Church
10.15am–10.45am: Youth Church in East Barn
Adult Discussion Classes in South Barn
Refreshments in the West Barn
11.00am: Traditional Service in the church

When there is a fifth Sunday in the month there will be a Eucharist service at 8.45am followed by a service at 10.30am.

First Sunday of each month, 4–6pm: Messy Church at Mosswood Community Centre, Knightsridge.

Knightsridge Church, Mosswood Community Centre at 2.15pm monthly
Craigengar Park, Craigshill at 6.30pm monthly

10.15am–10.45am Eucharist service in the Chapel at the Lanthorn.

Taizé Style Service in the Lanthorn Chapel, Dedridge at 7.00pm monthly

Essential information

Address: Nether Dechmont Community Centre, Fells Rigg, Carmondean, Livingston, EH54 8AX
Telephone: 07933 085186

Livingston United Parish Church website

Wheelchair access, induction loop system