St Anne’s, Dunbar

Open daily throughout the year 10am–4pm for visitors and private prayer.
Sunday, 10.30am: Eucharist, with:
Young Church provision, 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month
All-age worship, 5th Sunday of the month
Soup lunch, last Sunday of the month after church
Methodist worship, 4th Sunday of the month
Thursday, 10.30am: Quiet Communion
Thursday, 11.00am–12noon: Coffee and conversation about the day’s Bible readings
Thursday, 12 noon: Prayer for World Peace, at the UN Peace Pole in the church garden
1st and 3rd Saturday of the month, 10.30am: Contemplative Prayer
Essential information
Address: Westgate, Dunbar, EH42 1JL
Telephone: 01368 865711
Wheelchair access
Induction loop system