Diocesan Office Resources: Vestry Business
Vestry Officer Update
Inform us of changes in the membership of your Vestry by using the form HERE.
Please remember to provide the Diocese with up-to-date details of your vestry officers whenever there is a change, not just in your annual report.
Resources and Training Events
Training: Trustee training for all Vestry Members (Trustees) takes place every 6 months, approximately. The training dates for 2025 are Saturday 15th March in St Ninian’s, Comely Bank, and Saturday 27th September in the Trinity Centre, Haddington. If you wish to attend one of these sessions, please register here. For any further information, please contact Joanna Appleby.
Detailed information on Vestry responsibilities, generic and office-specific, can be found on the SEC website. OSCR also provides a detailed document entitled ‘Guidance and Good Practice for Charity Trustees‘. If these feels a little overwhelming, start with the following document, which outlines the key Vestry roles and responsibilities, with some additional notes and links:
The key points of charity law that all vestry members should know can be found in this document:
When recruiting new members of Vestry, it is important that they know what is expected of them ahead of time. This document offers an example of a “Roles and Responsibilities” or “Job Description” for vestry members. NOTE that the exact detail will depend on each congregation’s constitution.
All Vestry members must sign 2 documents when they become trustees: a Declaration, and a Fit and Proper Person statement. These are then held by the Vestry Secretary for the duration of tenure. Form templates can be found below under the “Vestry Secretary” heading.
You may wish to agree how the Vestry and its members will conduct their business. The General Synod Office has produced a template “Vestry Code of Conduct”, which can also be accessed here:
At our training events, we receive a number of questions. We are collating them in this document, as it might help answer a question you have. These are collated under the following headings: Trustee Eligibility; Running Meetings; Best Practice; and When Things Go Wrong.
Each year, the vestry is appointed anew by the congregation. It may be appropriate for that vestry to be commissioned into this role, and for the whole congregation to pray for them as they embark on this important ministry. A sample liturgy for such a commissioning is below.
Please contact Joanna Appleby if you would like a Word-version of any of these documents.
Vestry Secretaries
Please contact Joanna Appleby if you would like a Word-version of any of these documents.
The advice for charges has been provided by the Province, and you can click here for the relevant page on the SEC website. However, we have endeavoured to put together a page of “Frequently asked questions” for you, as queries arise. As well as the links below, you may find the answers in this FAQ section:
- GDPR – notice from The Communicant – Click here
- Church of Scotland Resources – https://www.churchofscotland.org.uk/resources/law-circulars#data_protection
- Church of England Resources: http://www.parishresources.org.uk/gdpr/
- Diocese of Truro – FAQ document: https://www.trurodiocese.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/GDPR-questions-from-parishes-answered-final.pdf
- Baptist Church Resources: https://www.baptist.org.uk/Groups/302154/Data_Protection_and.aspx
- GDPR information by ‘iKnow Church’ – https://www.iknowchurch.co.uk/gdpr
- The Information Commissioner’s Office – https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/guide-to-the-general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr/
Church Inventory pro-forma (Word Version) – click here
Church Inventory pro-forma (PDF Version) – click here
Link to Annual Forms page
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