Diocesan Environment Group

“The Scottish Episcopal Church is committed to
working towards Net Zero carbon emissions by 2030″
Photo: P Backhouse
“See, the former things have come to pass, and new things I now declare; before they spring forth, I tell you of them. Sing to the LORD a new song, his praise from the end of the earth! Let the sea roar and all that fills it, the coastlands and their inhabitants.” Isaiah 42:9-10

“The biggest ongoing challenge facing our world is the climate crisis. For Christians it asks hard questions not only of our lifestyle choices but about what we believe. What does it mean to be good stewards of the beautiful and fertile planet which we share with so many living creatures? What does it mean to say that ‘the earth is the Lord’s’?
I commend this webpage to you and encourage you to use it as we journey towards carbon net zero. We have some hills to climb and corners to turn on this journey, but if we travel together we shall find much to enjoy. It’s a journey we make not just for ourselves but also for people unknown to us and generations as yet unborn.”
Bishop John
Our new Diocesan Environment Group will help support and encourage charges to work
towards net zero carbon emissions by 2030. It reports to the Diocesan Standing Committee.
The convenor of the Diocesan Environment Group is Andrew Aveyard: andrew.aveyard@ei.ed.ac.uk
The journey towards net zero is a daunting prospect for all individuals and organisations globally. Sharing our concerns and asking questions can empower us, and encourage others, to take steps forward. Please do use the Diocesan Support Forum to share ideas and ask questions.
Let’s hold on to the hope that God has called us to partner in bringing about the Kingdom of God on earth today.
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Click here for our June newsletter that contains details of the outcomes of the Big Walk discussion groups
Please send in stories, however big or small, so that we can celebrate these and use them to share ideas: communications@dioceseofedinburgh.org
The Net Zero Portal is a central online resource where information and stories can be shared. The website is publicly available and content will be added over time. Additionally, the Net Zero Toolkit outlines tasks to help churches reach Net Zero carbon. Please click the following link for further information:
The Provincial Environment Group of The Scottish Episcopal Church has produced a toolkit to guide churches towards reaching net zero. We would encourage all charges to engage with this.
Eco-congregation Scotland have many resources available including their Greening Church Buildings guide. If your charge is not already a member of Eco-congregation Scotland this can be a great way to start engaging with creation care.

The Church of England has a series of webinars available online covering a range of practical issues with reaching net zero.
Whilst our buildings are important, we are aware that ‘the church’ is first and foremost the people, not the building! We would like to encourage all rectors, and their congregations, to think about reducing their individual carbon footprints.
Climate Stewards is one example of a carbon footprint calculator for individuals and households to use.
A Rocha’s Wild Christian community provides individuals and families with ideas of practical ways to engage with caring for God’s creation.
Watch this video of a presentation on the issues faced by churches as they journey towards the SEC aim of Net Carbon Zero by 2030.
The presentation was made by Robert Woodford at the 2022 SEC General Synod.
Funding is available to install low carbon or renewable energy systems at places of worship and community buildings. Please click the following link for further information:
CARES Let’s do net zero community buildings