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24 March @ 4:00 pm - 26 March @ 2:00 pm

Kinnoull Small Group Residential
Monday–Thursday 24th–27th March 2025
St. Mary’s Monastery, Kinnoull
Perth PH2 7BP

Early-Bird Fee £180 members, £195 non-members. Accommodation £336
What does it mean to be ‘Fully Human’? We are physical, spiritual, and emotional beings,
and in order to be the best version of ourselves we need to strive towards integrating and
accepting all aspects of ourselves. This involves looking at those aspects with which we are at
ease and at those with which we are less comfortable; aspects of ourselves we often keep
hidden, even from ourselves. In this Small Group Residential you are invited to explore your
potential blocks and fears to being fully human in a safe and supportive environment. This
enables us to begin the journey towards a more integrated and honest version of ourselves,
with ourselves and in our relationships. The small groups are led by experienced and
compassionate facilitators who are in turn supervised daily.
Situated on the edge of the City of Perth, St. Mary’s Monastery offers an environment of
peace and tranquillity, ideal for small group work and personal reflection. Perth city centre is
a thirty-minute walk, and there are pleasant walks through the surrounding mature woodland
of beech and pine. The Kinnoull Viewpoint is described as the ‘Jewel in Perth’s Crown’ and
offers stunning views of the River Tay and across to Fife. All rooms are en-suite, and
disabled access facilities are available throughout. Art materials are on hand should you wish
a more creative outlet. A CPD Certificate of attendance will be provided. Booking form
attached overleaf…
The week begins on Monday 24 th March at 4.00pm and finishes after lunch on Thursday 27 th .

Please do not arrive before 4.00pm.


24 March @ 4:00 pm
26 March @ 2:00 pm