Holy Cross, Davidson’s Mains, Edinburgh

Holy Cross DM

About the church

Holy Cross is a friendly Church, centred on the Eucharist and the mystery of Jesus Christ, and closely involved in its local community. People at all stages of faith and doubt are welcome at Holy Cross – we are committed to exploring the Christian faith, deepening our life of prayer, caring for the environment and serving those in need.

We have an active children’s ministry and a dedicated children’s area in the church. We value our musical life, provide opportunities for Christian healing and contemplation, and share our church with three Indian Syriac Orthodox congregations. Our clergy team is shared with St Salvador’s, Stenhouse but each church is an independent centre of worship and mission.

Our church building and community hall are at the heart of the suburban village of Davidson’s Mains in North West Edinburgh. The church was built in 1913 in a neo-Romanesque style and has some fine icons and stained glass.


9.00am: Eucharist
10.30am: Sung Eucharist, followed by coffee in the church hall

10.30am: Eucharist, followed by coffee in the church

5.00pm: online Evening Prayer on Zoom, contact the Rector for the link

2.00pm, first Friday of the month: Eucharist with Anointing and prayers for healing

Essential information

Address: Quality Street, Davidson’s Mains, Edinburgh, EH4 5BS
Email: info@holycrossedinburgh.org

Holy Cross website

Wheelchair access with assistance via west door. Induction loop system.