Led by staff from the University of St Andrews’s MLitt programme in Sacred Music, this ‘Study and Sing’ day will focus on hymns appropriate to the post-Easter period, with themes of praise, resurrection and renewal. Open to anyone who likes singing in church, including those who accompany singing. End of day service hosted by RSCM affiliated St Andrew’s Episcopal Church.
The latest in the annual ‘Study and Sing’ days focusses on the broadest of all categories of worship music: hymns.
The session is open to anyone who likes singing in church, to congregations as well as choristers. Sessions led by Laidlaw staff and visiting speakers will discuss repertoires (contexts and expectations), choices (how hymns connect with different aspects of worship), and healthy vocal practice (if it feels better, it might sound better).
Repertoire choices reflect the post-Easter period: keywords praise, resurrection, renewal. There will be an end of the day service with hymns, readings and prayers to share what we’ve learned in worship in St Andrew’s Episcopal Church.
To register please email Jane Pettegree on jkp1@st-andrews.ac.uk.