
Young people in the Diocese of Edinburgh aged 12-18 meet together regularly to share social time together, something of our faith, and food. All young people within the Diocese (and their friends!) are welcome to join our events, provided we have the appropriate consent forms in advance. Any questions can be directed to Fee Reynolds, Advisor for Christian Life, in the first instance. Information is also shared via our Facebook page and Instagram account: do follow us!

Saturday Meet-Up

Saturday 6th January 2024 in the Halls of Old St Paul’s, which are accessible directly from 39 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1DH. We will meet from 6pm until 9pm.

During the first half of the evening, there will be a range of games, activities and craft to get involved with. Then we will share some pizza and drinks together. We will finish the evening with a short Taize service, during which we will be invited to collect a ‘Star Word’ to journey with us through the year. Everyone of Secondary School age are very welcome and are encouraged to invite friends too. Please complete the consent form, linked below, to ensure we have all the information we need to run the evening safely!

Code of Conduct

The Diocese of Edinburgh wants all Youth Events to be safe spaces where everyone can be themselves, and we ask the young people who join us to respect each other, regardless of difference. We strive to enable everyone present to explore their faith honestly and openly.  We aim to provide a safe and affirming atmosphere, encouraging debate and questions.  We ask that all young people respect each other’s experiences of faith in meet-ups, discussion, worship, groups, and when meeting in daily life.

To help provide appropriate boundaries for our time together, we ask all young people to be aware of, and abide by, this Code of Conduct:

  • I agree to treat others with courtesy and respect.
  • I agree to follow instructions given by leaders or staff.
  • I agree to follow all health and wellbeing guidelines as instructed.
  • I understand that alcohol and drugs are prohibited.
  • I understand that bullying is not allowed.

Consent Form

For most of our events, i.e. events that do not involve an overnight stay, we have a generic and continuing consent form which lasts until 31 July each year. Parents/carers and young people are invited to complete the form at the start of each year or when they start attending events. Any changes should be intimated, in writing, either by emailing the Advisor for Christian Life or completing a new form.

Please click here to access and complete the consent form.

Provincial Dates for 2024

Here are the Provincial Youth Dates for 2024. For more information, head to this page of the SEC website.