St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh

Cathedral by Night

St Mary’s Cathedral is the Mother Church of the Diocese of Edinburgh, the largest Cathedral in Scotland, and the only one to maintain the tradition of daily Choral worship. With its three spires dominating Edinburgh’s western skyline, St Mary’s is a renowned masterpiece of Victorian Gothic architecture. Designed by Sir George Gilbert Scott, the Cathedral was consecrated in 1879, and has been open daily for public and private prayer ever since.

It maintains a large and thriving congregation, and is also host to many concerts and cultural events throughout the year.

You can find out more about St Mary’s history on the cathedral’s website.


8.00am: Holy Communion
10.30am: Sung Eucharist
3.30pm: Choral Evensong

Monday to Friday
8.00am: Morning Prayer and Holy Communion
5.30pm: Evening Prayer (Mondays) or Choral Evensong

1.00pm: Holy Communion

8.00am: Morning Prayer and Holy Communion

Essential information

Address: Palmerston Place, Edinburgh, EH12 5AW
Telephone: 0131 225 6293

St Mary’s Cathedral website 

St Marys Cathedral 2