Retreat Venues

Please find below a number of retreat venues that have been used by member of the diocese.  The Retreat Association has a directory of venues across the UK.

Benedictine Convent, Largs KA30 8BYwww, groups as well as individuals.
Iona, Bishop’s House are welcome to share the life and work of the community, minimum of three nights stay is the norm in season.
3 single, 10 twin-bedded rooms
Iona, The Catholic House, (cnoc a’ Chalmain) are welcome to share the life and work of the Iona community, minimum of two nights stay. 3 single, 2 twin-bedded rooms.
Iona, The those who wish to share the life of work, worship, discussion and recreation. Three nights minimum stay.
Aquila Retreats B&B in Comrie near Crieff offering Christian retreats including spiritual direction, quiet days and, Lectio Divina and Examen. 2 rooms are available.
Cairngorms Christian Centre, Kingussie free, self-catering with bunk beds.
Craig Lodge (RC), Dalmally. Argyllwww.craiglodge.orgCan accommodate up to 40 guests, all denominations. Group or individual retreats.
House of Prayer, Society of the Sacred Heart, Edinburghwww.edinburghjesuits,org,uk/retreatsQuiet days only, no accommodation.
Ignatian Spirituality Centre, retreats UK/EU, on-line retreats or in-person on the first Friday of each moth.
Institute of Spirituality St Mary’s, Kinnoull, single and 17 twin-bedded rooms, single or group retreats, organised events also available.
Mount Carmel Retreat Centre, Group last Thursday each month, prayer room also available.
Smithstone House of Prayer (RC), Kilwinning, North Ayrshire House is a Catholic Day Retreat centre run by the Sacred Heart Fathers in Scotland.
St Barnabas Retreat & Conference Centre, EdinburghTel: 01875 812 985Rooms available in the church for discussion groups and worship. Overnight accommodation is not available, good for quiet days and Conferences.
Charis Retreat, Leslie, Fife provision is currently under review please contact: for further information.
Nunraw Abbey (Sancta Maria), Haddingtonwww.nunrawabbey.comNine rooms, 7 single and 2 family with three beds.
Pluscarden Abbey, Elginwww.plucardenabbey.org12 single rooms or 16 with bunk beds. Women’s accommodation is self-catering, men will eat with the order.
The Bield at can be booked for between 1 and 6 days and can be silent and / or guided if you chose. The Bield also offer courses that are held at weekends and have a selection of contemplation resources on their website.
Dysart Carmelwww.dysartcarmel.orgEnquiries can be made at:
Society of St Francis, silent retreats, weekend tasters monthly meditation group and other events.  You can be a day guest and provide your own lunch or share lunch in the refectory if there is space. 

Residential retreats are from Monday to Friday, Friday to Sunday or Monday to Sunday with a suggested donation of £45 per night.
The Coach House, Kilmuirhttps://coachhousekilmuir.orgOffers silent retreats, weekend tasters and other events including a monthly meditation group.  Single rooms cost from £170 per night and accessible accommodation is available.
The Epiphany Group addition to residential retreats at The Bield and The Coach house, the Epiphany Group offers quiet days, on-line retreats and retreats from daily life.
Croftcarnoch Cottage, by the Diocese of St Andrew’s, Dunkeld and Dunblane this can be booked as a 3 bedroomed holiday cottage or as a retreat. The minimum stay is 3 nights.  The charge rate is £45 per night for Clergy (£315 per week) and £70 per night for others (£490 per week).
Robin’s Nest & Swallow’s Nest, Rumbling Bridge, KinrossAvailable on AirBNBBoth offer self-catering accommodation only.
St Drostan’s Lodge, Edzell, Anguswww.stdrostans.orgUp to 17 guests in 6 single, 2 double and 2 twin-bedded rooms. Self-catering only.
Holy Island Community of Aidan and Hilda is a dispersed, ecumenical body drawing inspiration from the lives of the Celtic saints.
We provide a programme of retreats and events around the UK and internationally. For information, please contact the office.
Wiston Lodge, Biggar Lodge provides physical, mental and spiritual challenge in a safe and sheltered residential environment. It is a Victorian country house set in over 50 acres of wooldland and is particularly suitable for family retreats and youth groups.
The Atholl bedrooms offering full-board, self-catering and B&B.
Whitechester Christian Guest House and Retreat, prayer walks, chapel, lounge and conservatory. Conducted retreats prayer and counselling are available. Accommodation offers 2 single and 7 twin/double rooms.
Information correct at November 2024

Many of our buildings (especially in the city centre) are open during the day, and others have peaceful gardens for reflection (Good Shepherd, St Ninian’s Comely Bank, St Columba’s by the Castle, St Mark’s Portobello).

If you would like to suggest a venue to add to the list, please email: