CMD Grants

Undertaking training out-with the Diocesan provision can entail costs; course fees, travel, resources etc. Many institutions will be able to sign-post potential sources of financial support tailored to the course. Within the Diocese and the SEC, the following grants are also available:

Diocesan Grants: The DMMC is allocated money each year to provide grants to help individuals with the cost of their CMD. This can be used to help attend conferences, study days longer course etc. It is expected that the usual 1/3 diocese, 1/3 parish and 1/3 individual would normally be honoured. Anyone interested in accessing these grants should speak with the Advisor for Christian Life (Fiona Reynolds) or the Convenor of DMMC.

Alastair Haggart Fund: This is awarded annually through the SEI and aims to help finance sabbaticals or other similar leaves of absence on the port of full-time ministers at a stage in the person’s life when such an experience will significantly enhance his or her development. The outcomes of the project should also be of benefit to the wider church. Applications are usually requested in the final quarter of the year, with the deadline around Epiphany.

George Hayes Forbes Trust. This is a trust administered from General Synod Office for studies leading to higher education degrees – application forms from Malcolm Bett.

Other potential sources of funding, particularly within the Anglican Communion, are:

Women’s continuing Ministerial Education Trust (WCMET): This trust administers grants to support the ministerial development of female clergy in the Church of England and the SEC. Grants are primarily for course fees. Further information and the application form are available here.

St Boniface Trust: This grant-making trust seeks to support the educatin and training of clergy and lay people, including CMD courses and sabbaticals. The trustees meet four times a year. Contact information can be found on their website here.

Ecclesiastical Ministry Bursary Awards: These awards are for sabbatical leave for clergy ordained more than 10 years and who have not taken a sabbatical in the last seven years. An application window is open from April to September each year for funding the following year’s leave. Further information can be found here.

St George’s Trust: Grants of up to £350.00 are made on a first-come first-assessed basis, so applications are best made early in the calendar year. For stipendiary clergy, these are usually for sabbaticals; for SSM they are available for recognised study. The grant customarily contributes towards travel and accommodation. Further information can be found on the website.

John James Trust: Provides grants to individuals to further their training and /or ministry.  They welcome applications for grants that support the objectives of the trust which are:

  1. To promote education in the Christian faith among children and young people, and
  2. To support people in training for Christian ministry.

Grants can be made by individuals or organisations that are registered charities.  The average grant is £2,000.