“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” (Isaiah 43:19)
As winter recedes, everything in the natural world starts to grow again. Bulbs produce flowers, trees release new leaves, birds build nests. What about the growth in my life? What hopes am I quietly tending? What new things are being lovingly coaxed into life? This Quiet Day is an invitation to spend some time with the gifts of spring in this Lenten season.
The Retreat Day is designed to stand alone, or to be complementary to, the series of Lent Reflections, The Sower and the Seed.
The day will draw on a mix of reflective approaches and creative material including art, poetry, Scripture, music and writing. It will included guided reflections, individual quiet time and the chance to reflect using craft materials. A buffet lunch is provided, as is coffee and cake. Early booking is appreciate.
Cost £35 (£25 concession) includes lunch, coffee and cake (Volunteer places also available)