St Michael and All Saints, Edinburgh

About the church
St Michael and All Saints is a city centre church of the “high church” tradition located at Tollcross which draws its congregation from throughout the city and beyond. The focus of our worship is High Mass, celebrated each Sunday. The average size of the congregation is around 50, excluding the servers and choir, and members of the congregation stay afterwards for coffee and to socialise with each other.
We are continually attracting an increasing number of families with small children and we provide weekly children-focused activities during school term time. We also encourage young children to receive communion and take an active part of the liturgy of the church.
8.00am: Low Mass
10.30am: High Mass
6.00pm on occasional Sundays: Choral Evensong & Benediction
In addition to the services shown below, Morning and Evening Prayer are said in church daily at 7.30am and 5.30pm respectively, except on Mondays and on days when the church is otherwise in use.
Tuesday, 8.00am: Low Mass
Wednesday, 11.00am: Low Mass
Thursday, 6.00pm: Low Mass
Friday, 10.30am: Low Mass
First Saturday in the month, 12.30pm: Low Mass and Rosary
Essential information
Address: 26 Brougham Street, Edinburgh, EH3 9JH
Telephone: 0131 229 6368
St Michael and All Saints website