Continuing Ministerial Development

Continuing Ministerial Development (CMD) is key to our role in authorised ministry, for we are called to lifelong development and training as captured in our ordination vows.  The Diocese plays a key role in offering CMD events, enabling ongoing personal reflection, and encouraging individually-discerned CMD.  Individuals are kept up to date with what is happening by monthly email, DMMC News, and the Diocesan’s fortnightly newsletter, the Communicant

People serve God in a range of different ministries in the diocese: in churches, in the workplace, in chaplaincies, and so on.  Our developmental needs are less determined by whether we receive a stipend, salary or neither, but rather by the focus and responsibilities of our ministry.  CMD seeks to enable all who service in recognised ministries a way to continue to reflect on God, on ministry, on the world, and to refresh them for the mission and ministry to which God has called them.

CMD in the Diocese follows on from Initial Ministerial Training (IME), which is delivered at a Provincial level.  During this time, both pre-and post-ordination, priests, deacons and lay readers train alongside each other, supporting and enriching each other’s ministry.  This ethos is retained once curacy is completed, with curates attending some aspects of CMD alongside their IME2 formation.

A whole series of events is offered each year, from informal learning lunches to day courses and longer conferences. Please see the CMD Programme for further information. Details of the annual Clergy Conference, held in November each year, will be shared as they become available. Our 2024 Conference will take place from 4th to 7th November 2024 (contact for more information).

Training and education courses are also available from a range of groups and institutions; a selection of Scottish and online offerings can be found on our External Courses page.  Individuals are also able to tailor CMD to their own needs and interests, for ongoing formation and development.  In either case, there are CMD Grants available to help with the costs incurred.

An area of bespoke training, key to good ministerial practice, is Safeguarding.  This is provided Provincially by the Head of Safeguarding, John Wyllie, who is developing new training materials.  In the interim, everyone is strongly encouraged to access the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal.  Any questions should be directed to the Diocesan Protection Officer, Joanna Appleby, in the first instance.

Access to much of this training is underpinned by ongoing personal and theological reflection.  This can be enabled by individuals seeking Spiritual Direction and/or Pastoral Supervision but is also encouraged via the Bishop’s Ministerial Review process for those in receipt of a stipend.  This is an annual process, facilitated by the Diocese’s College of Clergy, which can identify areas for growth and development.  Similar forms of review should be undertaken by others in authorised ministry in partnership with line managers, incumbents, or the Warden of Lay Readers.

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