Holy Trinity, Haddington

About the church
Holy Trinity is the Scottish Episcopal Church in Haddington. Our church is situated at the east end of the town centre, in a quiet cobbled cul-de-sac near peaceful river walks, and a short distance from the historic great Kirk of St Mary’s. Holy Trinity has its own walled grounds which include the spacious Georgian rectory and garden, and a garden of remembrance. Next to the rectory stands the Trinity Centre owned by the church and a flourishing centre of outreach to the local community. Opposite the church is the town’s day centre for the elderly.
The quiet location of the church means that Holy Trinity offers a tranquil haven in the heart of the town centre. We aim to keep the church open as much as possible for private prayer or peaceful moments.
8.30am: Holy Communion (Scottish Liturgy 1970)
10.00am: Eucharistic Service (Scottish Liturgy 1982)
6.00pm (last Sunday of the month): Evening Prayer (Scottish Prayer Book)
10.00am: Holy Communion
Holy Communion is also regularly celebrated on the greater festivals, usually in the evening. Ecumenical services are held during Holy Week and on other appropriate occasions, including a Memorial Service on All Souls Day.
Essential information
Address: Church Street, Haddington, EH41 3EX
Telephone: 01620 826667
Email: holytrinityhaddington@gmail.com
Holy Trinity, Haddington website
Wheelchair access, induction loop system