Prayer and Discipleship

Spirituality is a journey to bring you closer to God and many people find comfort in undertaking this journey as part of a congregation. The SEC website can provide more information 


Help to pray 

The Diocese publishes a prayer cycle for personal use. If you would like a paper copy please contact Joanna Appleby 

Organisations such as Try Praying offer more resources for those wanting more information.

Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement for the Anglican community. The wave of prayer takes place between Ascension and Pentecost and will run from the 18th May to the 28th May 2023. More information can be found here 

An eight week course designed to deepen your church’s prayer life:  

Members of the diocese regularly undertake and organize pilgrimages. Please click here for more information.

Many members of our diocese have undertaken retreats, please click here for information on venues and organisations.

Many of our buildings are open during the day and all of our buildings offer quiet spaces for anyone seeking a quiet moment in their busy day.  Many of our charges including St Mary’s Cathedral have a labyrinth.

The Diocese holds a “Big Event” each year at St Mary’s Cathedral. This is an opportunity for all congregations in the Diocese to come together for worship, workshops and discussions.


Retreat venues that members of the diocese have used can be found here

Grants for retreat and sabbaticals are available from a number of organisations. Please click here for more information 

CPAS database of disciple resources  

Resources from the Church Urban Fund  

Examples of good practice from churches within the Diocese:  

The Bible Society developed “The Bible Course” during lockdown. This is an eight week course designed to develop an understanding of the Bible regardless of existing knowledge and experience. Please click here to get more information.  Our charges hold bible classes and study courses. Your nearest one can be found here.

The General Synod hold “A Season of” events each year. Please click here for information.